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Wordsmiths and Lemons

Executive recruitment, in a way, is like searching for a gemstone in a bag of beans.

You started hunting for a new sales executive, looking for a playwright of future success. In the evening, as you sip your mead by candlelight, you begin to think that Shakespeare has left the building or indeed the globe. You have interviewed several candidates for the bountiful role you have tucked in your top pocket, but everyone is lacking.

You were hoping for a writer, a linguist, a storyteller. But oh my, all you managed to find were five candidates who talked and rattled on but never listened, and two old hounds who had years of experience but were too set in their ways to take on new skills.

Your client is a forward-thinking company that likes to take the scribbles of curiosity in a mind map session and set the wheels in motion. They have come to you because they are looking for some reassurance that those shining ones are still out there somewhere.

And at the moment, you are finding that you have more chances of recruiting for the role of Mavis in Coronation Street in days gone by than finding a diamond amongst the dust.

So, what now Sonya, I hear you ask. What’s it all about Alfie?

Well, Alfie gave up a long time ago and that was indeed the downfall of Alfie’s career.

Finding the right candidates for your company can be a very stressful experience. You can find yourself registered with many recruitment companies. The larger the organization, the thinner the spread and attention to detail. But that is where a boutique offering such as The Sales Recruitment Network comes in. When you have a passion for your niche, your basket of goodies is indeed full of a vast variety of candidates.

When we recruit within the sales area, we are looking for a prosateur, a wordmonger and someone who has not just the I.T ability to keep records and create reports, we are looking to appoint a fabulist, a belle-lettrist, that can create future success.

And as for lemons, well they are abrasive little fellows. They have their benefits and can indeed balance a glass of sweet Pimm’s. But recruiting lemons is an expensive mistake.

If you are looking for a fresh new thing, you might like to consider giving The Sales Recruitment network a call!

© Sonya Vukomanovic 31/10/2023

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And also here: which is my blog dedicated to reaching out to others who have experienced narcissistic abuse and can see the truth, have taken on the lessons, and want to share with others.


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