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T & G Table Mincers Ltd: Episode Five Hong Kong & Marketing Outcomes!


Published 28th April 2023

Oh, what a week it has been! We have traveled from Harrow almost on the hill to hot sticky memories within the forests of Rangoon. Yes, it has been fun traveling back and forth to 1956.

You might be asking yourself. Why, Sonya, why?

And I am going to answer…… I don’t know.

Anyhow, let us catch up with Toni, Geoff, and Brenda one last time this week and see how the trip to Hong Kong turned out.

“It’s full, it’s so full, I couldn’t fit any more in Geoff “announced Toni as he placed his bulging order book down on Geoff’s desk. (The William Morris Trellis cover glowing in the morning sun beaming in through the art deco black lacquered windows)

“Aw, and you should have seen the Shek Pik Valley, it was a triumph! All flowers and fauna. The Pekingese would have loved it you know. And Brenda, I mean Lorretta of the mincing word came alive from our brochures. Standing out like a lighthouse on a misty night at sea off the Cornish coast. Oh yes, I think it was the Auburn rinse, to be honest… on the way there at the onboard Oriental Delights salon.”

Toni turned to Brenda and took her hand.

“Our marketing campaign has been a triumph!” He added, “Well, more like Ginger Rodgers meets Gretta Garbo in a fiery explosion of marketing melody musico!”

Geoff, who was busy looking at his new mini mixing spoon ideas in indigo, Prussian blue, and burnt orange melamine, looked up.

“Yes, success does not just happen.” He announced. “It is indeed a continuous movement of tiny steps. All in the same direction, never wavering from the path, but bending with the wind.”

“Mmm, talking of wind” added Brenda “I must have a break from all this rich food. The fine dining at Barry’s Shek Pik first-class watering hole where we stayed has been a treat, but it’s back to meat and two veg for me.”

“Exactly my girl” added Toni “He’s a wonderful host and cook but the five spice and Soy sauce has done nothing for my lumbago!”

And with that, we leave Harrow almost on the hill and say goodbye for now to T & G Table Mincers Ltd.

Business Boldness and Creativity are valuable!

Creativity and boldness with your marketing plans, being the difference, enable you to reach your business goals and achieve better outcomes in the long run. Good ethics and creating a workplace team that can support each other and fits in with your narrative makes that team strong.

So, if you are looking for a refreshing approach to recruitment then please call TSRN!

@ Tiggy Sonya

Find me here on Medium and here at The Sales Recruitment Network. Here for my sales communications blog and here for my Tiggy Sonya's Art, Music, Nature, and Book Patch


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