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T & G Table Mincers Ltd: Episode Three! Not the Road to Mandalay: Being Bold!

Published 26th April 2023

Today we are going to think about what being bold in business means. So, pull up your padded office chair, grab a freshly percolated coffee, and let me take you back to 1956 when being bold could sometimes cause you all sorts of problems!

Brenda was exhausted and had just arrived at her sales meeting with Toni and Geoff. She had spent the last months traveling and was glad to be back in Northolt, West London with her parents. She had nattered her way around Great Britain and sold eighty-two and a half table mincers and five burlesque, I mean perlesque toned slicing and dicing machines. Also, five hundred silver-plated tablespoons with a picture of Gregory Peck embellished on every single one!

Brenda’s sales trip had been a success!

“It’s mother,” Brenda anxiously said “She caught our neighbor’s daughters peaking at my new undergarments on the washing line through the hedge. She said that I’m an embarrassment!  Then, she said, I’ve gone all Vogue and glamour and it’s causing the whole street to talk. What on earth am I going to do?”

Toni placed his pencil down on his drawing board. He awoke from his design malaise and looked over at Geoff in a contemplative fashion. Geoff looked up from his knitting and then placed the brightly squared patterned cardigan on his desk.

He stood up.

In the afternoon lamplight, you could see flecks of grey show up on the new charcoal-colored rollneck he was wearing. It had been one of those dark rainy days.

Geoff switched on the main light.

“I think it is time to be fearless, dauntless, even audacious” he announced as he picked up a ball of four ply to fiddle with as he spoke. “In these days since the war ended, there has been a need to be bright, vivacious, vivid.”

“Eye-catching?” Toni interjected.

“Exactly!” Geoff replied to Toni in a somewhat serious manner. “And blending in with the pastels, the norms of this world will never get you noticed. Hesitation and doubt keep you from riding the surges, weathering the storms. You need to stand out!”

“I shall go and fill the kettle!” he exclaimed as he suddenly exited the room.

Toni and Brenda both stood up, flabbergasted at Geoff’s exit speech.

“Well, I never,” said Toni as he put out the Bareuther Gold Plated Espresso Coffee Cups and saucers on Geoff’s desk.

“If we’re going to be bold, we need to sort you out, my dear. No more terraced turbulence up the Northolt’s for you my girl! We shall clear my mothers’ things out of the annex above the garage and you shall move in with us!

“But what about your mother?” Brenda asked inquisitively.

“Oh, you don’t want to worry about her dear, she’s moved to Costa Rica with her boyfriend Reggie. Wonderful trumpet capabilities and he has his own late-night show at the Rugged Loner Hotel near the beach. Ever so happy they are. The moves taken twenty years off her”.

“Yes luvvie, you shall move in with us! Oh yes, no more lurid leering at your bits on the line. You can let it all hang out you know. We’re not interested in your bits and bobs. Toni Paused. Anyhow…”

“Anyhow what?” asked Brenda

“You can look after our two Pekinese, Savannah, and Raquel while we are away. We always wanted children my dear and now, well now, it will be like having our own little Shirley Temple”. Toni replied.

“Thank you, I think?”  Brenda stated, hesitantly. “Where are you going on holiday?”

“Well,” replied Toni “we were going to go to Mandalay, but no hot tropical Burmese adventure this time for us this year. No, we’re settling for two weeks in Newport Pagnell, barging around on the river Ouzel. Our friends Bing and Bob put us off the other place altogether. Anyway, the heat would wreak havoc with my lumbago.”

Well, there we go. We shall leave the dazzling height of Harrow once more and return to the day at hand.

All is well that ends well! Happy Days are here again!

And if you have a sudden urge to move your recruitment needs in a bold direction then give TSRN a call!

@ Tiggy Sonya

Find me here on Medium and here at The Sales Recruitment Network. Here for my sales communications blog and here for my Tiggy Sonya's Art, Music, Nature, and Book Patch


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