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So tell me what your business can do for us?

After speaking to many small business owners recently who do not talk to their customers or interact through social media I felt passionately about why they should. So let's see what came to mind... A Story...Ralph's Printers. Ralph stood at the shop door. He then realized he was blocking the way into his new business. He observed his two new staff members dealing with phone & online orders and people arriving with inquiries and new jobs. All was well.  Suddenly, he was being talked to!. He stood back and listened!. Lots of questions were coming out of a man's mouth towards him. Feeling overwhelmed he interrupted the man and pointed to the front desk. They will deal with you he abruptly added. Ralph, went back into the office, shut the door, and opened up a spreadsheet. Wasted Opportunities There are times when keeping your mouth shut is vital in business. You can see from the short story above that Ralph had an opportunity to answer questions, get to know a potential c
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Training and Investment News from this month’s Maths Summit, London.

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Being Bold: Alfa Romeo’s: Art Car Project. Alfa Romeo F1 Team X Boogie 2023

The Three B’s. Being Bold in Business. Today, we look at the results that come from daring to be bold and extraordinary in your business’s planning. So let us look at Alfa Romeo’s: Art Car Project. In the world of advertising, marketing, and recruitment. Everyone is looking for a way to stand out from the crowd.  The Alfa Romeo F1 Team X Boogie project is unique and daring. Creativity goes hand in hand with engineering, and this, of course, is why Alfa Romeo invited leading artist Boogie to climb on board this project and start spraying. The artist Boogie, aka. André Morgner is quoted as saying “The opportunity to paint a Formula 1 car doesn’t come every day – it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and to do it for a team based in Switzerland has a special meaning for me,". Fusion: Formula One technology, design, and art combined The car sits at the start line, its front tyres, full of momentum, raring to go! Then we are off and over the line. Then the car excels at great speed.

Pegasus: Publicity Agents with Wings! So, why not...

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The New Fish Policy Called Honesty

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Recruitment: The Penny in Your Pocket !

When we recruit, we are enrolling, enlisting that new person needed to fit into the culture of the workplace. You may just want someone who gets it done, does the job, and keeps things ship shape or you may want that certain someone who makes the difference as well. Brings a certain something to the team that was lacking. Once upon a time in a marketing office, there stood a marketing manager . Jasmine had just finished collecting stats for a report and updating the company website. She felt flat, yes as flat as a pancake without any sugar or lemon. She wondered how the rest of the week would turn out. Or would it just be a flop? Jasmine walked over to the window and slowly pulled the glossed sash upwards. The smell of fresh air was divine as it filtered up her nose, then down her throat, to her lungs. She looked over to the coffee shop down the road. And decided it was time for hot chocolate! But what was this, she had left her purse at home. Feeling disappointed she turned round to f

Nigel's Dream Team: A Sales Tale!

It had been a busy morning in the office. Nigel had put together a rather long report and statistical analysis for this week’s sales meeting. He stopped whilst looking at the empty desks around him. And then he realized Duncan, the new telesales executive was having another conversation with himself, and this time it looked serious. Great! Nigel relaxed and closed his eyes. As he began to doze off, he sunk deeper into his padded executive chair. He felt his neck relax as he slumbered off into sleepy land. Suddenly, Nigel was not in his office, but in a room full of proactive salespeople! They picked up calls within three rings and were so, well, proactive! And they knew how to communicate! As Nigel listened to the conversations around the room, he knew he was dreaming. Open questions, Excel spreadsheets being filled in, and the CRM system was totally up to date! Surely, he had traveled to sales office heaven, not the offices of Pratts Plumb and Gooseberry Conserve, Norfolk Keys.