After speaking to many small business owners recently who do not talk to their customers or interact through social media I felt passionately about why they should. So let's see what came to mind... A Story...Ralph's Printers. Ralph stood at the shop door. He then realized he was blocking the way into his new business. He observed his two new staff members dealing with phone & online orders and people arriving with inquiries and new jobs. All was well. Suddenly, he was being talked to!. He stood back and listened!. Lots of questions were coming out of a man's mouth towards him. Feeling overwhelmed he interrupted the man and pointed to the front desk. They will deal with you he abruptly added. Ralph, went back into the office, shut the door, and opened up a spreadsheet. Wasted Opportunities There are times when keeping your mouth shut is vital in business. You can see from the short story above that Ralph had an opportunity to answer questions, get to know a potential c...
On the 12th of March, plans were announced by the Science and Technology Secretary, Michelle Donelan MP to fund some of the UK’s major innovative industries. Focusing on the UK becoming highly skilled in key skills and future technologies. A huge pot of funding will be available, up to £1 billion for business, government and charities, and academia. This will forward the training of 4,000 talented students from all over the British Isles. In 65 Centres for Doctoral Training, many will have in-depth opportunities to travel further along their learning path. At Kings College London, researchers will make far-reaching changes in personal surgery using advanced engineering and microrobots. There will also be exciting developments in future telecoms, engineering biology, and quantum technologies. From Scotland to Bristol, there will be many new opportunities to forward the UK’s strengths. Science and Technology Secretary, Michelle Donelan is quoted as saying at the Maths Summit: Buil...