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Being Bold: Alfa Romeo’s: Art Car Project

The Three B’s.

Being Bold in Business. Today, we look at the results that come from daring to be bold and extraordinary in your business’s planning. So let us look at Alfa Romeo’s: Art Car Project.

In the world of advertising, marketing, and recruitment. Everyone is looking for a way to stand out from the crowd. 

The Alfa Romeo F1 Team X Boogie project is unique and daring. Creativity goes hand in hand with engineering, and this, of course, is why Alfa Romeo invited leading artist Boogie to climb on board this project and start spraying.

The artist Boogie, aka. André Morgner is quoted as saying “The opportunity to paint a Formula 1 car doesn’t come every day – it’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance, and to do it for a team based in Switzerland has a special meaning for me,".

Fusion: Formula One technology, design, and art combined
The car sits at the start line, its front tyres, full of momentum, raring to go! Then we are off and over the line. Then the car excels at great speed. This campaign brings Alfa Romeo into the limelight, therefore standing out from the crowd. Just like the seagull, in the world-famous spiritual book, Johnathan Livingstone Seagull, they have taken more than an acceleration of faith. They leave the slipstream behind in their far-reaching creativity.

When we think of interesting and exceptional high-end design, we only have to look at Alae Romeo’s track record. Winning their first Formula One Championship in the 1950s. These bold, exciting, and innovative forerunners of design and engineering lead the way in their unique, and dynamic designs and genuine passion for connecting holistically.

Where have all the visionaries gone?
When a team has a vision, each step forward in creating that vision is exciting, worthy, and holistic. When we first look at the body model of this Formula One car, we see infinite details, beautiful filleting bends, and curvature that take us home, back to nature.

Being Bold
Sadly, in many other companies, large or small, we see the same approach, year in, and year out, with the same outcomes. What is so obvious within this project is that we have a team that challenges itself. As Grandmother used to say, there is more than one way to crack an egg. Therefore, when you mix creativity, and being bold, with decades of Formula One engineering, you can achieve an excellent outcome. Leaving a refreshing taste in the mouth. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying "I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world”
If we sit back for a moment, we can see that The Art Car Project is a living embodiment of Einsteins' words of wisdom. If we look back through history books, we shall see that art and physics were interconnected closely. In this adventuresome project, Alfa Romeo has revealed that they can do so much more than just encircle a Formula One track. When a team reaches for something beyond their imagination the outcome is a pure art form with speed, and structure, powered by a beast named engineering.

Everyone’s a winner
The car was auctioned off by F1 Authentics, to raise money for Save the Children. Raising a staggering £126,000.00. This act of altruism, and care for a wider community shows another side to an industry that you might not have come across. Being genuine in our intent, and striving to help others, and not only those in our immediate business connections, changes the world we inhabit.

© Sonya Lawrence/Vukomanovic  21/02/2024


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