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A job working from home. It’s great isn’t it, or is it?


A job working from home. It’s great isn’t it, or is it? 

(Published 29th March 2022

You fill your new shiny kettle with water. It glimmers in the sunlight that is beaming in through the kitchen window as you select a favourite cafeteria. You ponder slowly over your growing selection of coffees. Choc Moch, Columbian Special, or smooth and lean coffee Italian Supreme…?

So, it’s 11.30 am and you have spent the whole morning making calls. You’re doing great against your target for the day, but you feel a bit empty…be nice to have a chat with a human… right?

This working from home was fun for a while but now you’re thinking of getting a parrot for company!

To begin with the nine-to-five was just super dandy… in fact, it was more than that, it was so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, you even agreed to do all the hand washing as you would now be around to peg it on the line.

You did the school run, dumped the washing up in the machine, and fed the cat. Having you at home has made you unpopular with your feline friend now she has you at home all day. You are an irritant, basically, you make too much noise, won’t fuss her enough, and yes you have finally realized that the house belongs to the cat, not you.

So, has working from home been all it was cracked up to be?

Does the morning cafetiere of coffee and shortbread really feel like a reward for your hard work? Or is something missing?

The pros and cons of working from home vary from person to person. If you are a self-motivation guru who thrives on tasks, well that’s just fine. If you’re not, then you’re probably going to be picking up Polly to prop up the team numbers. African or grey…mmm

Article by Sonya Lawrence – TSRN Associate

@ Tiggy Sonya

Find me here on Medium and here at The Sales Recruitment Network. Here for my sales communications blog and here for my Tiggy Sonya's Art, Music, Nature, and Book Patch


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