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T & G Table Mincers Ltd: Episode Two: Sales Training


Published 25th April 2023 

After many requests, I will return you to Harrow, North London, and T & G Table Mincers Ltd. Oh and what a day it is! Brenda has turned a corner in her career path and today her sales training begins! Geoff and Toni are designing a new slicing and dicing machine as Ken would not do it. So let us take ourselves back to June 1956 and the art deco offices of the above-named….

Brenda, (now known as Lorretta, queen of the mincing word) made her way up the stairs to Toni and Geoff’s office on the third floor. The high heels she was wearing were killing her. She had traveled from High Kilburn down to Putney for facial, makeup, and hair appointment. The first photo shoot for the new marketing campaign had gone well and she was looking forward to a nice sit-down after a very busy morning.

Brenda knocked and immediately heard Toni say “Entrée” as she entered the room.

Toni and Geoff stopped what they were doing, which wasn’t much, and their faces lit up with delight!

“Oh, I say” shrieked Toni “Give us a twirl Lorretta luv!” He paused and then smiled, studying Brenda as she turned in her new outfit.

“Dimitri from The Putney Parlor has done us proud, you look like Carmen Miranda meets, well, meets a well-turned-out, Anne Shelton.”

Brenda hesitated as she said “Yes, I did get some funny looks on the bus, especially the plastic fruit mounted on my bun. And Bert from the Fishmongers disowned me. Said I looked like something gone off.”

Toni tutted as Geoff shook his head in dismay.

“Aw, you don’t want to worry about him luv! said Toni. “We’ll find you a real man, we can tell you know. Anyhow, let’s talk about the language of sales my dear. That will take your mind off Bert and his tiddlers” Toni looked over to Geoff who was now standing in his Sir John Gielgud stance.

Geoff cleared his throat.

“Now, you see my girl it’s all about language, the words that come out of your mouth. I couldn’t have got this far in my career if I had not used open questions!”

“Open questions?” replied Brenda, dumtrucked.

Geoff turned to the window and placed his hands in his trouser pockets. The sunlight revealed the shine on his new mustard-colored polyester high-neck classic cut shirt and a skinny brown tie.

“You see Loretta,” he said as he turned to them both “Open questions have got me where I am today. The when’s, why’s, who’s, and how much opened up the market for me. Before I learned the joy of asking for it and adopted a BBC accent, I never got any. Do you think you can do that, my dear, get out there and ask for it.?

Brenda sat down on the burgundy velvet-covered chaise lounge behind her. And as she did so the wax grapes fell from her pinned on a false bun, surrounded by ringlets.

“Yes,” she replied “I’m willing to take on any training and questions and qualify my way to success!

“Oh, she’s got it, Geoff! “Announced Toni as he grabbed Brenda’s kitten heels to try on. 

And there we have it. Yes, I bet you’re glad that’s over.

We leave the third floor and ponder over how we might use open questions to move and qualify our own sales explorations.

@ Tiggy Sonya

Find me here on Medium and here at The Sales Recruitment Network. Here for my sales communications blog and here for my Tiggy Sonya's Art, Music, Nature, and Book Patch


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