Mr. Ziegfield has a headache…and finds his zest!
In a distant sunny land, somewhere over the rainbow, there was a business park. On that business park was a large office selling a service. In that building there were many corridors and off those corridors, many doors. Behind those doors were desks, laptops, and groups of individuals all doing their bit to get the show on the road.
On the third floor there was a carpeted passageway (the rest had linoleum tiles, but we won’t go there) and cited at the end of the final corridor was the office of Mr Ziegfield.
Loosening his orange silk tie, Mr. Ziegfield poured himself a glass of sparkling Italian mineral water. Feeling the need to cool down, he helped himself to ice from his fridge. The iridescent large chunks entered the water and made a noise that only ice cubes can make as they join their shimmering costars in their fizzing glass of bubbles. A slice of lemon was added. Mr. Carlos Ziegfield walked over to the window and sighed.
A knock at the door and a body collapsed into the room dropping her mop and scattering cleaning products across the floor. Picking herself up Rhoda put everything back in her cleaning caddy and placed it on a chair. Carefully leaning her wooden-handled mop against the wall.
Carlos turned to his favourite member of staff.
“If only all my staff were as enthusiastic, skillful, and creatively responsive as you Rhoda, “he said as he went to the fridge and then poured Rhoda a fresh glass of sparkling water.
“In fact Rhoda..have you ever thought of metaphorically chucking the cleaning stuff out the window and bringing that wonderful attitude of yours to another position. I am sure my P.A. could show you the ropes…”
Rhoda straightened her t-shirt, smiled, and accepted the invitation.
So, what does this drama-filled tale with a delightful conclusion tell us?
Well, maybe that it is time to consider that the traditional ways of finding new talent in the workplace are changing. Sometimes sparkling water suddenly bursts forth from the most unlikely places. Thinking out of the box, or shall we say, trying a new refreshing way of recruitment might just be the casting call that takes you all the way to the dazzling heights of success.
Let us go on with the show, and in the meantime please call TSRN if you seem to have lost your zest…
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