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T & G Table Mincers Ltd: Episode Four! What’s your narrative?


Published 27th April 2023

Yet again, we join our trio in Harrow almost on the hill, London. The summer of 1956 was one of the hottest since the end of the war and we find the staff of T & G Mincers bearing the heat but looking forward to a cooler day!

It was noon. The white art deco building had been baking in the sun all morning. You could hear distant music through the open windows in Toni and Geoff’s’ office on the third floor.

“It reminds me of that summer in Rangoon, the summer we met, me and Geoff. It was torrid, torrid Brenda!” declared Toni.

Brenda put the lid down on their traveling trunk. It was all go as Toni and herself were off to Honk Kong to attend this year’s Kitchens Of The Future Show. With a two-week boat journey from Dover, they were packing for all eventualities, which included amongst other things a large container of loose tea, curling tongs, and a large bottle of Iberian Gin.

Brenda sat down on the tasseled pouffe behind her “I’m sorry to hear that” she said, somewhat feeling concerned.

“No, no deary, not our meeting, you see dear, oh no! I had been posted out to the gnarled bushes in the far-flung forests of Rangoon. Oh yes, I was the star of the dazzling drama core of the 21st Waterbabes battalion. Well, it was all going well and then they disappeared, leaving me there with nothing but a vanity case!”

Toni’s face then lit up as he said “And then one night, across the tables of The Noodles Fine dining outlet where I was working, our eyes met. It was sizzling, sticky, and sweaty, but all of a sudden, I went cold!” He paused “And that was it, with Geoff’s art degree from The Royal Academy and my technical abilities picked up at the Clapham Court Design School we developed our love of mincing into what you now see before you.”

Geoff, who had been going over the accounts with a fine-tooth comb, placed the comb down and peered at them through the sweltering heat of the midday sun.

He cleared his throat and used the comb as a baton as he delivered his peroration. “You see Brenda dear; you should always stick to your vision. Our discourse, vision, and plans have stood the test of time. You should always have built-in flexibility though…”

“Oh yes” added Toni “We can assume many positions to reach our target. But always stay true to your story, your values!” He said as he wiped the sweat from his brow and came over all Glinda from The Wizard of Oz.

Geoff picked up a large box fan and disappeared down to the production line with it. They had all been flagging in the heat all morning. After free orange squash all around the production line staff had settled back down to work. Well, that and playing them the new imported Henry Mancini vinyl record to relax them all.

So, there we go! If your staff are not supported, your customers will not feel the same. Valuing your staff and having them as your first fan base trickles out like a cool spring on a baking hot day, refreshing all parts and enabling work to be done.

We shall leave our hot lot in Harrow almost on the hill for today and think about our higher purpose. And, if you would like to experience the supportive skills of The Sales Recruitment Network in your next recruitment campaign, then please get in touch!

@ Tiggy Sonya

Find me here on Medium and here at The Sales Recruitment Network. Here for my sales communications blog and here for my Tiggy Sonya's Art, Music, Nature, and Book Patch


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