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Dorothy’s Quest: The Knights of Old!

 Do you feel bored in your current role?

Well, maybe a change would do you good. Read on for inspiration!

Dorothy had landed. She had arrived, and this was it, the new position she had been dreaming of. She rolled up her sleeves and got down to work, meticulously making her way through the sales calls. Yes, company by company she dialed out, her headset perched neatly over her perm. Over three months, she cleaned up the huge database of leads. But Dorothy was in for a surprise. Was this a new role for her, or was there something better charging her way?

It was on the penultimate day of the campaign that Dorothy had to call Crusades Removals Incorporated, and it was on this day she decided to change her life. Dorothy pressed the mouse button to click on the next call and the number popped up.

She instantly knew something was different when the automated voice announced that there would be a long wait due to their representatives being busy all over the world. Yes, safely escorting those who moved here, there, and everywhere was their business. Dorothy sat back in her padded office chair and looked at the other youngsters in the telesales office. Today was going to be different.

And indeed, it was. With Onward Christian Soldiers ringing in her ears, Dorothy felt suddenly clammy, warm even. She had just polished off a large bag of chocolate-covered raisins and started on her second cup of tea and packet of fig rolls when the music stopped. Dorothy was entranced!

“Good Morning,” said a female voice “This is Gertrude, how may I help you have your new adventure with Crusades Removals?

Inspired, and now feeling more like Joan of Arc than Dorothy who grew up on a farm near Norfolk, she felt compelled, and charged to leave her position and join the Crusades. She was wasted in her current role, and besides that, nobody in the whole office played Scrabble. Yes, Europe, Spain, Cyprus, and Jerusalem. Dorothy felt a movement in her stomach, (which was probably the fig roles). Her destiny was in her next Campaign!

If you are looking for a new role and do not fancy crusading on your own, please contact The Sales Recruitment Network for assistance with your next campaign.

You can see my other blogs here. is a blog dedicated to music, art, nature, and books

And also here: which is my blog dedicated to reaching out to others who have experienced narcissistic abuse and can see the truth, have taken on the lessons, and want to share with others.


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